Friday, 2 March 2012


We are seeing definite signs of improvement in the market and last month we had the highest number of viewings of our businesses that we have had for two years. Maybe it’s the spring weather but I am also feeling there’s more optimism about and certainly there seems to be more activity on the high street.

Because we see any change in activity so long before it is turned into a statistic and a recorded sale I would expect to see the announcement in April of Government statistics of activity in the services and property sectors to record signs of improvement. That will hopefully have a snowballing effect. We are not however seeing activity equal price increases but rather a reflection of vendor expectations and buyer offers becoming more aligned.

Please check out all our businesses for sale at

Without wishing to bang on, I would again remind you of the necessity to have an Energy Performance Certificate if you are selling a freehold or leasehold property. We have heard nothing further from the Department for Communities & Local Government and can only assume that the changes to the scheme are still happening on the 6th April. Do please call us 0800 707 6370 if you want to discuss it or need more information.

Finally, I am also delighted to announce the establishment of which is a law firm that can provide buyers and sellers of businesses with a commercial conveyancing service at very significantly lower costs than other solicitors. Not only will we better any competitor's written quote but we also operate on a No Sale No Fee basis. Please call us today on 0800 5677147 for a quote or email